
This website provides four different approaches to documentation for the Canadian Heart Health Database. This structure comes from the Divio Documentation system, which you can read more about here.

  • Data Dictionary: Start here if you want just the facts on the contents of each data table and the fields they contain.
  • Explanation and Background: Start here if you want a more detailed exploration of the dataset–where does it come from, and who or what does it include?
  • Tutorials: Start here if you’d like to look at some existing code to help you run analyses on the data, both basic and more advanced
  • Getting Started: Start here to learn how to use the Health Data Nexus to load in the dataset and start your exploration.

Data Dictionary

Schema and contents of the data table

Explanation and Background

An exploration of the contents of the dataset


How do I analyze this data?

Getting Started

How do I start using this dataset?

Last modified April 5, 2023: Initial deployment (4233ecf)