Family History Dataset


  • 9286 rows
  • 35 fields

Links to Heart Health Dataset on: SEQNO


  • SEQNO: Sequence number (identifier for the study participant). Links with the Canadian Heart Health Database, 1986-92.
  • PROV: Province of participant, coded by Satastic Canada definitions (Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, or Alberta)
  • SEX: Sex of Respondent (Male or Female).
  • GPAGE: Age group of participant (18-34, 35-64, or 65-74)
  • GPAGE2: Age group of participant in 10 year groups (18-24, 25-34, 45-54, 55-64, 65-75)
  • PWGTQ: Probability weight for questionnaire (Given by Statistics Canada.)
  • FALIVE: Is your father alive? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FDEATH: What was the cause of your father’s death? (An accident, cancer, stroke, heart attack, other, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • FOLD: Age of father, or age at death (or don’t know, not stated/refused.) Values were set to 34 if below 34 and father was alive, or 87 if above 87.
  • FHA: Has/did your father ever had/have a heart attack or angina? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FHA60: Did your father have a heart attack or angina before the age of 60? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • FSTR: Has/did your father ever had/have a stroke, cerebral vascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FSTR60: Did your father ever have a stroke, cerebral vascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease before the age of 60? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FHBP: Has/did your father ever had/have high blood pressure or hypertension? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FCHOL: Has/did your father ever had/have high cholesterol or high blood fats? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • MALIVE, MDEATH, MOLD, MHA, MHA60, MSTR, MHBP, MCHOL: As above, for mother.
  • BSNUM: Total number of brothers, sisters, half-brothers, and half-sisters (or don’t know, not stated/refused). Values above 10 were capped at 11.
  • BSALIVE: Of these siblings, how many are living (or not applicable, don’t know, not stated/refused)? Values above 10 were capped at 11.
  • BSHA, BSHBP, BSSTR, BSCHOL: How many siblings, living or not, have had the following disorders? Heart attack or angina before age 60, high blood pressure or hypertension, strokes or cerebral vascular disease, high cholesterol or high blood fats. (Or not applicable, don’t know, or not stated/refused.)
  • GPALIVE, GPHA, GPHBP, GPSTR, GPCHOL: As above, for grandparents.

Last modified April 5, 2023: Initial deployment (4233ecf)