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This website provides four different approaches to documentation for the Canadian Heart Health Database. This structure comes from the Divio Documentation system, which you can read more about here.

  • Data Dictionary: Start here if you want just the facts on the contents of each data table and the fields they contain.
  • Explanation and Background: Start here if you want a more detailed exploration of the dataset–where does it come from, and who or what does it include?
  • Tutorials: Start here if you’d like to look at some existing code to help you run analyses on the data, both basic and more advanced
  • Getting Started: Start here to learn how to use the Health Data Nexus to load in the dataset and start your exploration.

1 - Data Dictionary

Schema and contents of the data table

Data Table Overview

Tables in the dataset are as follows:

1.1 - Heart Health Dataset


  • 23 129 rows
  • 266 fields

Links to Family History Dataset on: SEQNO


  • SEQNO: Sequence number (identifier for the study participant)
  • INCLINIC: Was a clinic attended or not attended?
  • INBLOOD: Was a blood specimen taken?
  • PROV: Province of participant, coded by Satastic Canada definitions (Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, or British Columba)
  • AREA: Area of participant (Rural, Urban, or Variable Unknown). Coded based on area code together with other information. Not available for Nova Scotia.
  • SEX: Sex of Respondent (Male or Female).
  • AGE: Age in years of participant (between 18 and 74)
  • GPAGE: Age group of participant (18-34, 35-64, or 65-74)
  • GPAGE2: Age group of participant in 10 year groups (18-24, 25-34, 45-54, 55-64, 65-75)
  • EDUCYRS: Years of education (between 0 and 21, unknown, or not stated/refused). Sum of elementary/secondary and college/university years, capped at 21.
  • EDUC: Grouped education. (Completed elementary school or less, some secondary schooling, secondary school completed, university degree completed, not stated/refused.)
  • INCOME: Income level. (Under $12 000, $12 000-$24 999, $25 000-$49 999, $50-000 and over, not stated/refused).
  • INCADEQ: Income adequacy. (Low income, middle income, high income, or unknown income). Calculated from INCOME and HOUSEHLD.
  • EMPLOY: Employment status. (Full-time, part-time, unemployed, laid off, retired, other, homemaker, student, not stated/refused).
  • WORKTYPE: Work classification. (Professional, clerical worker, skilled foreman, manager/official/proprietor, sales worker, non-skilled, other work, nostated/refused, not applicable.)
  • MARITAL: Current marital status. (Never married, divorced, married/common law, widowed/widower, separated, not stated/refused.)
  • LANG: Language. (English, French, other, variable unknown, not stated/refused).
  • HOUSEHLD: Number of persons in household. (Between 1 and 7 or not stated/refused.)
  • PWGTQ: Probability weight for questionnaire (Given by Statistics Canada.)
  • PWGTC: Probability weight for clinic/blood. (Given by Statistics Canada.)
  • BPS1, BPD1, BPS2, BPD2: First/second systolic/diastolic blood pressure reading.
  • BPCS1, BPCD1, BPCS2, BPCD2: First/second systolic/diastolic blood pressure reading after clinic measurements.
  • MSYS: Average systolic blood pressure value.
  • SYSCAT: Systolic blood pressure categories.
  • MDIAS: Average diastolic blood pressure value.
  • DIASCAT: Diastolic blood pressure categories.
  • HYPER: Hyptertensive status.
  • H14090: Hypertensive status based on 140/90.
  • HATCS: HBP Aware treatment control status (treated and controlled, treated and not controlled, not treated and not controlled, unaware, variable unknown, not applicable).
  • HATCSDS: As above based on 140/90.
  • PHARM: On pharmacological treatment for HBP? (Yes/No)
  • NPHARM: On non-pharmacological treatment for HBP? (Yes/No)
  • HGTC: In clinic—height in centimetres (or unknown, recoded missing, not stated/refused).
  • WGTC: In clinic—weight in kilograms (or unknown, recoded missing, not stated/refused).
  • BMI: Body Mass Index (or unknown, not stated/refused).
  • BMICAT: BMI categories. (Less than 20, 20-24.9, 25-26.9, 27-29.9, 30-34.9, 35 or more, unknown, not stated/refused).
  • BMI25: BMI, cut point of 25.
  • BMI27: BMI, cut point of 27.
  • WAIST: In clinic—waist in centimetres (or unknown, recoded missing, not stated/refused).
  • HIP: In clinic—hip in centimetres (or unknown, not stated/refused).
  • WHR: Waist/hip ratio (or unknown, not stated/refused).
  • WHRMEN: Waist/hip ratio categories for males (less than 0.8, 0.8-0.89, 0.9-0.99, 1.0 or more, unknown, not stated/refused, or not applicable).
  • WHRWOMEN: Waist/hip ratio categories for females (less than 0.7, 0.7-0.79, 0.8-0.89, 0.9 or more, unknown, not stated/refused, or not applicable).
  • WHRCAT: Waist/hip ratio risk categories (low, high, unknown, not stated/refused).
  • PULSE: In clinic—pulse measurement (or unknown, not stated/refused).
  • HRS: In clinic—hours since last meal (or unknown, not stated/refused).
  • FAST: Fasting blood sample for 8 or more hours? (8 or more hours, less than 8 hours, or unknown, not stated/refused).
  • TCHOL: Total plasma cholesterol in mmol/L (or unknown, no measurement.).
  • TCHOLCAT: Total cholesterol categories (less than 5.2, 5.2-6.1, 6.2 or more, did not attend clinic or no blood sample, no measurement.)
  • TCHLFCAT: Total cholesterol categories, fasting only (less than 5.2, 5.2-6.1, 6.2 or more, non-fasting blood or unknown fasting time, did not attend clinic or no blood sample, no measurement.)
  • TCHOL52A, TCHOL62A, TCHOL52F, TCHOL62F: Total cholesterol cutpoints of 5.2/6.2, with/without fasting.
  • HDL: High density lipoproteins in mmol/L (or unknown, no measurement).
  • HDLFCAT: HDL categories, fasting subjects only (less than 0.9, 0.9-1.2, 1.3 or more, unknown, no measurement, non-fasting blood or unknown fasting time).
  • HDLF09F: HDL cutpoints of 0.9, fasting only.
  • LDL, LDLFCAT, LDL34F, LDL41F: Low density lipoproteins, as for HDL. Categories are less than 3.4, 3.4-4.0, and 4.1 or greater, and cutpoints are 3.4 and 4.1, fasting only.
  • TRIG, TRIGFCAT, TRIG23F: Triglicerides, as for HDL and LDL. Categories are less than 2.3 and 2.3 or greater, and cutpoint is 2.3, fasting only.
  • RESMOK: Regular smoker? (Yes, no, not stated/refused).
  • SMOKECAT: Current smoking category (never smoked, former smoker, regular cigarette smoker, occasional cigarette smoker, pipe or cigar smoker, not stated/refused).
  • CIGCAT: Cigarettes smoked category (not a regular cigarette smoker, 1-10 per day, 11-25 per day, 26 or more per day, unknown, not stated/refused).
  • CIG_DAY: Number of cigarettes per day (or unknown, not stated/refused).
  • SEDENT: Sedentary? (Yes, no, not stated/refused).
  • ALCOHOL: Alcohol drinking status (never drink, former drinker, current drinker, unknown, not stated/refused).
  • DIABCAT: Diabetes reported? (No diabetes reported, self-reported diabetes, unknown, not stated/refused).
  • MRF3A: Sum of risk factors SMOK, CHOL5.2, HYPER. (No risk factors, 1 risk factor, 2 risk factors, 3 risk factors, missing for one or more.)
  • MRF3B: Sum of risk factors SMOK, CHOL5.2, H14090. (No risk factors, 1 risk factor, 2 risk factors, 3 risk factors, missing for one or more.)
  • MRF4A: Sum of risk factors SMOK, CHOL5.2, HYPER, SEDENT. (No risk factors, 1 risk factor, 2 risk factors, 3 risk factors, 4 risk factors, missing for one or more.)
  • MRF4B: Sum of risk factors SMOK, CHOL5.2, H14090, SEDENT. (No risk factors, 1 risk factor, 2 risk factors, 3 risk factors, 4 risk factors, missing for one or more.)
  • BPPREV: Ever had blood pressure checked? (Yes, no, not stated/refused.)
  • BPWHEN: Time since last BP check? (Less than 6 months, 6-12 months, over a year, do not know, not stated/refused, not applicable).
  • BPWHO: Who checked your blood pressure? (Doctor, nurse, family member or friend, coin-operated machine, checked self, other, do not know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • BPINFO: How was blood pressure described? (In numbers only, numbers and words, in words only, not described, not sure, not stated/refused, not applicable).
  • BPPREVS, BPPREVD: Last systolic/diastolic blood pressure reading (or can’t remember, not stated/refused, not applicable).
  • BPHIGHL: Were you ever told you had high blood pressure by a health professional? (Yes, no, can’t remember, not stated/refused.)
  • BPHIGHTR: Any treatment prescribed for high blood pressure? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • BPRX1, BPRXAND1, BPSALT1, BPWGT1, BPSTR1, BPSMOK1, BPALC1, BPEXER1, BPBIO1, BPOTH1, BPDK1: Were you ever told to do the following for your high blood pressure? Medication, medication and other, go on a salt-free diet, watch weight, avoid stress, reduce or stop smoking, cut down alcohol intake, start exercising, use biofeedback, other treatment, don’t know/not stated? (Mentioned, not mentioned, not stated/refused, not applicable.) NOTE: Please refer to the detailed notes for some inconsistencies in this data.
  • BPPRG2: Are you still following that program for high blood pressure or are you doing something different? (Different program now, same program, no program, not sure, not stated, not applicable.)
  • BPRPX2, BPRXAND2, BPSALT2, BPWGT2, BPSTR2, BPSMOK2, BPALC2, BPEXER2, BPBIO2, BPNONE2, BPOTH2, BPDK2: What program are you now following for your high blood pressure? Medication, medication and other, salt-free diet, watch weight, avoid stress, reduce or stop smoking, cut down alcohol intake, start exercising, use biofeedback, other treatment, don’t know/not stated? (Mentioned, not mentioned, not applicable.) NOTE: Please refer to the detailed notes for some inconsistencies in this data.
  • BPRXNOW, BPRXEVER: Are you now/have you ever taken medication for high blood pressure? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • BPOKNOW: Is your blood pressure normal now? (Yes, no, do not know, not stated/refused.)
  • BPHEALTH: Do you think high BP can affect health? (Yes, no, do not know.)
  • BPHLTHOW: How do you think HBP can affect health? (Response given, no response, not applicable.)
  • BPCAUSE: What things can cause HBP? (Response given, no response.)
  • BPFOOD: Have you heard that HBP can be related to food/drinks? (Yes, no, not stated/refused.)
  • BPSALT, BPSODIUM. BPALC, BPFATS, BPSATFAT, BPCHOL, BPCALOR, BPADDIT, BPCAFF, BPSUGAR, BPSTARCH, BPPORK, BPOTHMTS, BPMEATS, BPFRIED, BPCALC, BPOTHER, BPDK: Have you heard that HBP can be related to the following? Salt intake, sodium, alcohol, fats, saturated fats, cholesterol, calories and overeating, additives and preservatives, caffeine or coffee, sugar and sweet foods, starch and starchy foods, pork, specific other meat, meats generally, fried or greasy or oily foods, calcium, other, don’t know? (Mentioned, not mentioned, not stated/refused, not applicable).
  • DIABET: Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes? (Yes, no, unknown, not stated/refused.)
  • DIABAGE: Age when you were first told you had diabetes? (Or unknown, can’t remember, not stated/refused, not applicable).
  • DBNOTRT, DBINS, DBRX, DBDIET, DBWGT, DBOTHER, DBDK: Are you on any treatment for your diabetes? No treatment, insulin, pills to control blood sugar, diet, weight loss, other treatment, don’t know? (Mentioned, not mentioned, unknown, not stated/refused, not applicable).
  • ALCEVER: Have you ever taken an alcoholic drink? (Yes, no, unknown, not stated/refused.)
  • ALC12MTH: Have you taken an alcoholic drink in the last 12 months? (Yes, no, unknown, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • ALCMTH: Monthly frequency of alcoholic drinks in the past year (Or less than once a month, unknown, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • ALCNUM: Average daily alcoholic drinks consumed (Or unknown, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.) NOTE: Deleted for BC, AB, SK, QC, and ON due to potential differences in interpretation.
  • WGTLOSE: Have you ever tried to lose weight? (Yes, no, unknown, not stated/refused.)
  • WGTNOW: Are you presently trying to change weight? (Lose weight, gain weight, neither, not stated/refused.)
  • WGTDIET, WGTEXER, WGTMEALS, WGTPILLS, WGTPRGM, WGTOTHER, WGTDK1: Which of the following are you doing to lose weight? Dieting, exercise, skipping meals, taking diet pills, attending a weight control program, something else, don’t know/not stated? (Mentioned, not mentioned, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • WGTLOOKS, WGTHLTH, WGTHEART, WGTBP, WGTCHOL, WGTART, WGTDIAB, WGTOTH, WGTDK2: Why would you like to lose weight? To “become more attractive”, to improve general health, to decrease the risk of a heart attack, to maintain an acceptable level of blood pressure, to maintain an acceptable level of blood cholesterol, to slow down hardening of arteries, to decrease the risk of getting diabetes, other reasons, don’t know/not stated? (Mentioned, not mentioned, not stated/refused, not applicable).
  • HGT: Height in centimetres, from home interview (or unknown, recoded missing, not stated/refused.)
  • WGT: Weight in kilograms, from home interview (or unknown, recoded missing, not stated/refused.)
  • WGTLIKE: How much would you like to weigh? (Or unknown, not stated/refused.) NOTE: in SK, only asked to subjects trying to lose weight.)
  • SALTCOOK, SALTFOOD: How often is salt added while cooking/at the table? (Often, sometimes, occasionally, almost never or never, unknown, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • SALTHLTH: Do you think the amount of salt eaten can affect health? (Yes, no, unknown, don’t know.)
  • SALTBP, SALTWGT, SALTEDEM, SALTHA, SALTSTR, SALTKIDN, SALTRX, SALTART, SALTOTH, SALTDK: How do you think your health would be affected if you ate too much salt? Blood pressure would increase, weight would increase, ankles would become swollen, increased risk of heart attack, increased risk of stroke, increased risk of kidney problems, need to take blood pressure pills/medication, sped up hardening of arteries, other problems, don’t know/not stated? (Mentioned, not mentioned, variable unknown, not applicable.)
  • FATS: Do you think the amount of fat a person eats can affect their health? (Yes, no/not sure, not stated/refused.)
  • FATOBS, FATHEART, FATCHOL, FATBP, FATART, FATDK, FATOTH: What health problems do you think might be related to the amount of fat a person eats? Overweight/obesity, heart disease/heart attack, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, hardening of arteries, don’t know, other problems? (Mentioned, not mentioned, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • CHOL: Have you heard about cholesterol? (Yes, no, unknown.)
  • CHOLINFO: What have you heard about cholesterol? (Response given, unknown, no response given, not applicable.)
  • CHOLFOOD: Do you think cholesterol is in foods? (Yes, no, don’t know, not applicable.)
  • CHOLEGGS, CHOLPOUL, CHOLBEEF, CHOLPORK, CHOLSEA, CHOLMILK, CHOLCHSE, CHOLOTH, CHOLBUT, CHOLFAST, CHOLDK: Which foods do you think contain cholesterol? Eggs/egg yolk, poultry, beef/red meats, pork/ham/bacon, seafoods, milk, cheese, other foods, butter, fast foods, don’t know? (Mentioned, not mentioned, variable unknown, not applicable.)
  • CHOLHLTH: Can cholesterol in foods affect health? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • CHOLINBL: Do you think cholesterol is found in blood? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • CHOLBLD: Do you think too much cholesterol in the blood affects health? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • CHOLART, CHOLBP, CHOLHA, CHOLSTR, CHOLANG, CHOLOTHR, CHOLDK2: How do you think cholesterol can affect peoples’ health? Hardening arteries, increase blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, angina/chest pain, other problems, don’t know/not stated? (Mentioned, not mentioned, Not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • BCHOL: Have you ever had blood cholesterol measured? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused, not applicable?)
  • BCHTOLD: Were you told what your blood cholesterol level was? (Yes, no, can’t remember, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • BCHHIGH, BCHTRT, BCHDIET: Where you ever told your blood cholesterol was high by a health professional/prescribed treatment for high blood cholesterol/are you on a special diet recommended by a health professional to lower blood cholesterol? (Yes, no, can’t remember, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • BCHEXER, BCHSTRES, BCHRX, BCHCHOL, BCHFAT, BCHWGT, BCHSKIM, BCHNONE, BCHOTH, BCHDK: What can be done to lower blood cholesterol? Exercise, control stress/fatigue, take medication, eat food with less cholesterol, eat fewer fatty foods, lose weight, use skim milk or low fat dairy products, nothing, other things, don’t know/not stated? (Mentioned, not mentioned, not applicable.)
  • SMOK: Have you ever smoked cigarettes, cigars, or pipes? (Yes, no.)
  • PIPE: Do you smoke a pipe? (Yes, no, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • PIPENOW: Do you smoke a pipe regularly or occasionally? (Regularly, occasionally, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • CIGAR, CIGARNOW, CIGET, CIGETNOW: As above, for cigars and for cigarettes.
  • CIGETNUM: Number of cigarettes usually smoked each day? (Or unknown, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • EXER: Do you regularly exercise (at least once per week)? (Yes, no, can’t remember, not stated/refused.)
  • EXERSTRN: How much of this exercise is strenuous (enough to cause sweating/heavy breathing)? (Most of it, some of it, none of it, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • EXERLONG: How long do you usually exercise? (Less than 15 minutes, 15-30 minutes, 31-60 minutes, more than 60 minutes, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • EXERWORK: Does your work require strenuous physical activity? (Yes, no, unknown, can’t remember, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • HDDIET, HDWGT, HDFATS, HDSALT, HDCHOLBD, HDCHOLFD, HDSTRESS, HDEXER, HDSMOKE, HDHERED, HDHBP, HDART, HDDK, HDOTH, HDPREV: What do you think are the major causes of heart disease or heart problems? Diet, weight, excess fats, excess salts, high blood cholesterol, foods with high cholesterol, excess stress/worry/tension, overwork or fatigue, lack of exercise, smoking, heredity, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, don’t know, other? (Mentioned, not mentioned.)
  • HDPREV: Do you think heart disease can be prevented? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused.)
  • EVERHA, EVERSTR: Have you ever had a heart attack/stroke? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused.)
  • STRPREV: Do you believe strokes can be prevented? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused.)
  • OTHHD: Do you have any other heart disease? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused.)
  • RXHEART: Are you taking any heart medication prescribed by a doctor? (Yes, no, not sure, not stated/refused.)
  • FEMRX: Are you taking any oral contraceptives or hormonal pills? (Oral contraceptives, hormonal pills, neither, not stated/refused, not applicable.)

1.2 - Family History Dataset


  • 9286 rows
  • 35 fields

Links to Heart Health Dataset on: SEQNO


  • SEQNO: Sequence number (identifier for the study participant). Links with the Canadian Heart Health Database, 1986-92.
  • PROV: Province of participant, coded by Satastic Canada definitions (Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, or Alberta)
  • SEX: Sex of Respondent (Male or Female).
  • GPAGE: Age group of participant (18-34, 35-64, or 65-74)
  • GPAGE2: Age group of participant in 10 year groups (18-24, 25-34, 45-54, 55-64, 65-75)
  • PWGTQ: Probability weight for questionnaire (Given by Statistics Canada.)
  • FALIVE: Is your father alive? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FDEATH: What was the cause of your father’s death? (An accident, cancer, stroke, heart attack, other, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • FOLD: Age of father, or age at death (or don’t know, not stated/refused.) Values were set to 34 if below 34 and father was alive, or 87 if above 87.
  • FHA: Has/did your father ever had/have a heart attack or angina? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FHA60: Did your father have a heart attack or angina before the age of 60? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused, not applicable.)
  • FSTR: Has/did your father ever had/have a stroke, cerebral vascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FSTR60: Did your father ever have a stroke, cerebral vascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease before the age of 60? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FHBP: Has/did your father ever had/have high blood pressure or hypertension? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • FCHOL: Has/did your father ever had/have high cholesterol or high blood fats? (Yes, no, don’t know, not stated/refused.)
  • MALIVE, MDEATH, MOLD, MHA, MHA60, MSTR, MHBP, MCHOL: As above, for mother.
  • BSNUM: Total number of brothers, sisters, half-brothers, and half-sisters (or don’t know, not stated/refused). Values above 10 were capped at 11.
  • BSALIVE: Of these siblings, how many are living (or not applicable, don’t know, not stated/refused)? Values above 10 were capped at 11.
  • BSHA, BSHBP, BSSTR, BSCHOL: How many siblings, living or not, have had the following disorders? Heart attack or angina before age 60, high blood pressure or hypertension, strokes or cerebral vascular disease, high cholesterol or high blood fats. (Or not applicable, don’t know, or not stated/refused.)
  • GPALIVE, GPHA, GPHBP, GPSTR, GPCHOL: As above, for grandparents.

2 - Explanation and Background

An exploration of the contents of the dataset

The Canadian Heart Health Data Base (CHHDB) is a compilation of data from ten Provincial Heart Health Surveys conducted between 1986 and 1992. The Provincial Heart Health Surveys were carried out as part of the Canadian Heart Health Initiative and have been a collaborative effort among the provincial departments of health, Health Canada, The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, and provincial heart and stroke foundations.

The CHHDB consists of two data sets. The first is the Heart Health Dataset, consisting of a survey of core information from 23 129 responses collected by all Provincial Heart Health Surveys between 1986 and 1992. The core information has data on major biological risk factors (blood pressure and blood lipids) and information on knowledge and awareness of causes and consequences of cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors.

The second is the Family History Dataset, consisting of information on demographic information and health history collected by four provinces (Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta) from 9 286 respondents between 1989 and 1992.

This dashboard includes contains a description of the survey methodology, tables of the approximate coefficient of variance (CV) for qualitative estimates, code books describing the variables, and reports detailing supplemental information and guidelines for use of the heart health data. Code books describing the variables and related codes are also included.

Canadian Heart Health Surveys

The following reports were produced as part of the Canadian Heart Health Surveys project. They are hosted on this platform for supplemental reading.

Report English French
Preface link link
Foreword link link
Heart Disease and Stroke link link
Heart Health Initiative - Summary link link
Heart Health Initiative - Policy link link
Equality link link
Focus on Cholesterol link link
Women, Heart Disease, and Stroke link link
Reducing the Risk link link
The Victoria Declaration link link
The Catalonia Declaration link N/A
Credits link N/A

Canadian Heart Health Database

The following are informational documents to help users better understand and use the Canadian Heart Health Database. These documents are split into three topic groups: Informational Documents, Coefficient of Variance Tables, and User Codebooks

Informational Documents

Introduction link
Survey Methodology link
Data Use Guidelines link

Coefficient of Variance Tables

Province/Country Table
Alberta link
British Columbia link
Canada link
Manitoba link
New Brunswick link
Newfoundland and Labrador link
Nova Scotia link
Ontario link
Prince Edward Island link
Quebec link
Saskatchewan link

User Codebooks

Dataset Overview Variable Index Detailed Codebook
Heart Health Database link link link
Family History Database link link link

Further information about the datasets, including helpful figures, is provided at the following links:

2.1 - Heart Health Dataset


This table consists of survey data across all 10 provinces collected between 1986 and 1992. The data table includes demographic information, basic measurements, and experience with/knowledge about heart disease risk factors.


Figure 1: Respondents by Age

2.2 - Family History Dataset


This table consists of survey data across from Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec collected between 1989 and 1992. The data table includes demographic information, as well as family history as it relates to heart disease and risk factors.


Figure 1: Respondents by Age

3 - Tutorials

How do I analyze this data?

These tutorials are designed to help you to start working with and using the data. Check back in as more tutorials are posted over time.

4 - Getting Started

How do I start using this dataset?

To start using the dataset, access the Health Data Nexus. Check out this page for information on how to use the data.